Werenich Family Website

"If at first you don't succeed, try try try again.  And go have a little snack." - Elaina


So many things happened this spring. Dree learned to levitate, Elaina got braces, Mother's Day, Comic Books, Back Yard Paint Parties, Rock Climbing, Wonderland, and more.


Spring has been balmy puntuated with snowy patches. We visited our summer home in Niagara, decorated eggs for Easter, and generally took time to stop and smell the flowers.

August 5, 2009:  Dree fell and broke her left wrist.  So so sad.  Hopefully the cast will be off by the time school starts.



Good Golly Miss Molly

Dreanna played the part of Molly in the school play "Annie Jr." Many in the audience said that they became better people after watching Dree's performance.


We had an awesome party on March 28 from 8:30 to 9:30pm.  We christened the evening MAN HOUR.  Can you believe the three sad drunk people who complained?  We had about thirty who came by and wished us well.  I think it is more fun to enjoy than to complain.  Some people just can't stand to see others happy.

Were our lights too bright?


Climb Every Mountain

Because it's there.

School projects, Risk games, hot and cold running daffodils, and a quest for global domination punctuated our quest for something more early this year - and cake.